[BUGS] An ideal filesystem, as seen on my FreeBSD/ZFS NAS.

Mr Andrew Sinclair syncman0x at gmail.com
Thu May 26 17:46:20 AEST 2022

Given that the fate of this mailing list has come into question, I offer
for debate, a map of an ideal file system.

The gist of it is, (1) we start by adding a folder named /sole/ to the
system root. This folder is always kept in sync between all hosts under
your control via unison or syncthing. It will never be touched by the
operating system. The /sole/ folder should contain no vendor
interpretations of what should be in the user folder by default; Melodies,
Pictures, .config, .local; that kind of thing. If it does contain any files
influencing system activity, they would be symbolic links to files the
operator is comfortable to synchronise in a heterogeneous environment. I
keep my rclone configuration in such a folder.

The /home/ folder retains its original purpose for system generated files
deemed impractical for synchronisation; that is to say, application
configuration and cache folders specific to one host.

(2) We can then speculate on four root-level folders that ought to be seen
on a NAS, running FreeBSD with a ZFS root ideally.

            ./sqlite-autoconf-3380500.tar.gz ->
            ./cygwin--setup-x86_64.exe ->
            ./00, The Global Menu//
            ./10, Resource 1//
                ./cygwin--setup-x86_64.exe ->
            ./20, Resource 2//
                ./sqlite-autoconf-3380500.tar.gz ->
            ./99, your choice please//

                ./00, The Regional Menu//
                ./10, Option 1//
                    ./mywork.txz -> ../../backup/mywork.txz
                ./20, Option 2//
                    ./2000-00-00--00-00-00--mywork.txz ->
                ./99, your choice please//
                ./00, The Public Menu//
                ./99, your choice please//

    ./$(hostname --domain)//
        ./$(hostname --short)//
                ./____// -> ./cccc//
                ./@@@@// -> ./tttt//
            ./Audios// -> ../../sole/cccc/common/Audios//
            ./Documents// -> ../../sole/cccc/document//
            ./Downloads// -> ../../sole/cccc/download//
            ./Music// -> ../../sole/cccc/common/Music//
            ./Pictures// -> ../../sole/cccc/common/Pictures//
            ./Videos// -> ../../sole/cccc/common/Videos//
        ./____// -> ./cccc//
        ./@@@@// -> ./tttt//
        ./____// -> ./cccc//
        ./@@@@// -> ./tttt//

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