[BUGS] Hello

Dean Hamstead dean at fragfest.com.au
Tue Jan 18 18:35:22 AEDT 2022

The OPNsense and pfSense forums are very active. The facebook groups for 
the same and for the different BSD's are quite active too.

I think the issue is that newcomers don't really join email lists. And 
web forums are somewhere people post when they are desperate.

Lots of people don't like facebook, i get that*, but lots of people are 
on facebook so if we want to grow the group then the group needs to go 
where the people are.

I do think that geographically tied groups are nowadays only relevant 
for organising meet ups, support and social have better critical mass as 
international facebook groups/subreddits/etc. This has been the model we 
are encouraging with perl groups around the world.


* email lists have a number of serious deficiencies which l have written 
about in great length on other email lists, in summary they have poor 
moderation features, an inability to edit once something is sent, and an 
inconsistent user experience.

On 10/1/22 22:04, Peter Ross wrote:
> Is it that use of the BSDs has declined? I don't know but I barely see 
> it around me these days. 

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