John Tate john at johntate.org
Mon Dec 12 05:46:31 EST 2011


I just found the user group and joined the list. I have been loving UNIX
style systems since I was 13 when I fell in love with Linux and scriptkiddy
powers. I am 24 now and when I was 17 I purchased a really expensive book
on FreeBSD which I couldn't find to mention the title - and read it back to
front. By 19 I had an injury and amnesia and decided to study business,
just like a monkey did in Futurama, seriously. I dropped out because my
business lecturer was anti-business and decided to go back to the world of
lie-free and logical programming. I spent a lot of time learning about
philosophy and logic.

I can at times because I have had to relearn a lot (most just comes back to
me) seem like a total newbie. I've actually been doing this a long time. My
programming language is C++, something I learned alongside Linux starting
at 13. I actually wrote very little code, have no applications of my own. I
also know PHP (which has such a good manual you can almost write in it
without learning anything!) and I know C, I can understand C code, but I
don't code in it much.

This year I found a Bootkit on a Windows system and I no longer played
anything but Minecraft anyway so I switched to Fedora and then OpenBSD 5.0
as my soul desktop operating system. I have two servers, a file server, and
an OpenBSD firewall/router with a pppoe interface to a bridged NB6 modem. I
need to add wireless support. The fileserver is a mirrored softraid. When I
had OpenBSD 5.0 on my powerhouse it was a striped softraid. The
firewall/router is a cryptographic softraid.

I am mad about Bitcoin and run a very simple hosting business in it at
www.secusrvr.com I also do Bitcoin market analysis on my blog. Just because
I can't help myself: $3.10 is too high. $2.50 is a good buy!

I am looking for a mentor and a C++ or even C programming project. I would
need a month to do some C books and exercises, and I am looking for friends.

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