[BUGS] Ports collections for MacOSX

Jerahmy Pocott quakenet1 at optusnet.com.au
Wed May 21 17:58:12 EST 2008

On 21/05/2008, at 4:58 AM, Sue Blake wrote:

> There were a few different ports collections available for
> Mac OSX last time I looked. These let you install those little
> unix essentials and toys, like wget or a favourite text editor,
> lynx and so on, as the need arises. (Sure, some will just compile
> and run from source code, but some are more tricky, and the
> ports systems set them out in an orderly consistent manner.)
> Has anyone used them? Before downloading all the guff and
> remembering how to use the system, I'd like to know that I've
> made the best choice of ports system.

Darwin Ports no longer exists, I think it was combined with Mac Ports...

Fink also provides the same sort of stuff, but I haven't used it yet,  
apparently there is also an aqua gui for fink, while there is also one  
for mac ports the developer of it is charging some amount of money and  
I don't know if there are any free ones..

MacPorts seems based on the FreeBSD ports system a lot and installs  
everything in /opt/local tree (it used to use /usr/local but  
switched). I'm not sure what fink does in this regard, but all the  
fink ports are available as source or binaries and you have the option  
of which you want to install from, which sounds nice.. I suppose you  
could always use both!

Personally I still prefer the FreeBSD port system over both of them!

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