[BUGS] trapping spam from headers

Andrew Reilly areilly at bigpond.net.au
Wed Mar 5 19:48:49 EST 2008

Hi Jonathan,

On 05/03/2008, at 18:53, jonathan michaels wrote:

> just as an aside, does teh looked up address have to be
> 'legitimate' ??

Well, it's clearly a dynamic IP address, which is a bad sign.   
Legitimate ISP clients *should* be routing their out-bound mail via  
the ISP's SMTP server, so this one is probably a spam-bot.

> what if i put a whole lot of ip-ad-re-ss
> harvested from years off (repetative) spam, most of which (if
> not whole off) comes from stuff generated by mail comming/going
> to freebsd mailing lists -- to reiterate most of teh smap
> coming here is pretty repetative as per teh "from " "from:" etc
> headers right down to teh revieved headers.
> i am thinking if i put those details it shoul put a dent in teh
> spam traffic, well that and the spam trap as explained in rfc
> 2083 (sorry not exactly sure if that is the correct rfc ##

You can try that, but unless you're really concerned about the  
bandwidth, you can (as I do) go a long way to a spam-free existence  
by deploying bogofilter, a fast bayesian spam filter.  I get about  
three or four thousand spam messages a day, and no more than a dozen  
or so wind up in my inbox.  I've had the same e-mail addresses for  
more than ten years, and they're easy to scrape off the internet.  I  
agree with you that hiding by changing addresses isn't a very  
satisfactory solution.



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