[BUGS] search/replace - cr/lf (with joe)

HarryWoodward-Clarke harry at woodward-clarke.com
Thu Jul 31 10:15:23 EST 2008


I found - after some google-fu - the following page...


Part way down it talks about non-printing characters (which is what I  
googled for) thus...


Control and Meta characters

Each character is represented by a number. For example, the number for  
?A? is 65 and the number for ?1? is 49. All of the characters which  
you normally see have numbers in the range of 32 - 126 (this  
particular arbitrary assignment between characters and numbers is  
called the ASCII character set). The numbers outside of this range,  
from 0 to 255, aren?t usually displayed, but sometimes have other  
special meanings. The number 10, for example, is used for the  
line-breaks. You can enter these special, non-displayed control  
characters by first hitting ? and then hitting a character in the  
range @ A B C ... X Y Z [ ^ ] \ _ to get the number 0 - 31, and ? to  
get 127. For example, if you hit ? J, you?ll insert a line-break  
character, or if you hit ? I, you?ll insert a TAB character (which  
does the same thing the TAB key does). A useful control character to  
enter is 12 (? L), which causes most printers to advance to the top of  
the page. You?ll notice that JOE displays this character as an  
underlined L. You can enter the characters above 127, the meta  
characters, by first hitting ^\. This adds 128 to the next (possibly  
control) character entered. JOE displays characters above 128 in  
inverse-video. Some foreign languages, which have more letters than  
English, use the meta characters for the rest of their alphabet. You  
have to put the editor in ASIS mode (described later) to have these  
passed untranslated to the terminal.


So, basically it seems if you know the ASCII code for CR/LF, then you  
can enter them. Not 100% sure this will happen in the search/replace  
function, but it should. It does in a 'man's editor' (vi) ;')

take care,


harry [at] woodward-clarke [dot] com
imago Dei in quolibet hominé inveniartur

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