[BUGS] bugs page .. how it all started

jonathan michaels jlm at caamora.com.au
Fri Feb 29 21:44:04 EST 2008

to those concerned,

today i've had a look at teh bugs page, i missqueued into the
above page, upon reading i refered to my own notes and ...

what is written bears little if any resemblance to what really
happened .. the one question i have is what were these
strict rules and where did they come from ?? i have no
recollection of us making any such strictures as regards the
group as a whole or even any significant sub groups within the
(loose as it was) organisation.

bugs has allways been and i hope will remain being the "berkeley
unix users group, sydney" abreviated "bugs". a berekely unix
based, i.e any unix (tm or otherwise) derived user group

i'm not interested in getting into a bun fight over this, i've
gotten to teh tages that i leave these sorts of things to those
who handle this sort of muck for me .. my attack train'ded
teddy bear army and/or my guardian angel.

back in teh old sayd i would get somewhat hyper anxiety driven
by all this sort of "miss-representation" as i see it, my sence
of justice would have driven me to see the truth at any
(personal) cost. but, these days/today a note/a word/sugestion
to teh releventplace/people/etc will suffice ... so here it is
and if teh authors want a somewhat more correct version of teh
"truth" there are several of us who remember what really
happened, for the record.

me and my anxieties have more important battles to
fight/resolve as regards the getting of a life, now that i
can ... gentle grin.



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